Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sweet Baby Boy....Take 2!

We had a much easier time tonight when Hudson was a little more calm! He cooperated very well this time and even smiled a time or two!

Sweet Baby Boy

More pictures to come when we do part II this evening! Hudson decided enough was enough and had to take a lunch break :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008


This is a very FUN couple from church that we serve on the drama team with and their 3 beautiful (and silly!) boys. I really enjoyed proofing these pictures because Jessica's hair is so stinkin gorgeous, especially for fall pictures! They were up for my "kissing" shots which I very much appreciated :) although I had to reduce the reds in some of the pictures because Tommy was blushing.......haha.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The cutest little Pumpkin!

This little guy was so happy and so sweet. He really made me miss my own babies when they were this age. The leaves seem to be taking forever to turn this year!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

One favorite from this session.

I just love how sissy's hand is on baby and he's dragging his blankie! So sweet.

Happy Fall Ya'll !!!!!

Yay! I'm so happy the leaves are changing and the weather is cooler. No more sweat dripping down poor babies' faces. This is the beautiful Thomas family. We had a great time at the park today, although I'm not sure the little one will ever let me near him in the nursery again..... :o) But that's ok cause I got some really cute pictures of his sweet lil blues! Thomas family part 2 coming soon....... :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

More Boys!

Teachers and boys......those are my specialties I guess :) Well here's both! (and a dental hygienist to boot!) We took these at Pool's Mill park which is so beautiful and fun for the kids. They had a blast sliding down the rocks. The old bridge is beautiful there...if I could just get them to cut all the trees down so I can get to where I can shoot it better hahaha.

Monday, October 6, 2008

OOps...I forgot Landon

He was at the orchard too ;o) Keeping me on my toes no less.....

A couple of my own from today at the Apple Orchard

I took Lily and Landon with my old homeschool group to the apple orchard today and got a few good shots on a porch there with some great light. Just wanted to share a few of *mine* (Landon's favorite new word by the way....) Oh and that last one is Lily's boyfriend Micah. More of him to come when I shoot his family pictures next weekend! YAY!
Thanks for looking........and somebody comment if you're actually reading these ;o)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I love teachers...

Not just because of their jobs...but they make great clients! I've had a string of teachers and their families this summer. I have SO enjoyed spending time with each of these families. Today I had a beautiful family with 2 girls. One loved the camera...and one....well....didn't! I still think I got some really cute ones of her though! Hope you guys like them!